Tegan wanted to take a quick minute just to write you a letter today. 

A line or two, just to let you know we thought of you, as we do so many days. 

“But daddy, we have no stamps. How are we gonna send it to him” she asked me with concern

I assured her, not to worry,, they charge no postage where Papa’s at.

So she Pressed the letter to her lips and sealed it with the sweetest kiss. Then she helped to tie it to the string of her very favorite balloon. 

“This way, when he gets it, he’ll know that it’s from me” she said. “Besides, I want papa to have it as a Gift”

And she slowly let it go, and watched it dance up to the sky. We both watched, intently, as it faded into the distance of that deep blue endless sky.

Silently she stood there, deep in thought. “Daddy” she said, as if a question had her stumped. “Yes baby” I softly answered. No question, however, followed as I had expected. Instead, she wrapped her arms around me and I lifted her tight in my arms. She kissed my cheek and gave a smile. “I love you” she, finally, added. I smiled back and returned the kiss on her cheek, and answered “I love you too” 

And sometimes that’s the only logic or understanding you need. I gloated all the way back into the house. Not only in the sweetness that she had shown in that whole experience, but that my little girl was a believer. She held back whatever question may have gone through her mind, and let it go to faith. What a Gift, she has, already. (At two years old)

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